Well, she LOOKS normal enough!
Dave chillin' in the summer at the pumpkin farm, Michell Farms in Saanich BC (outside of Victoria)
Sara's fairly new to the graveyard, we only acquired her skills a couple years ago, but you better not look upon her evil eye glare. We run this place and she scares us! You go, girl!
The dimensions have been changed to protect the chubby..Dancing is the passion of the Follower and Bloody Melly
That's my boy, Dave. Dave is an unsung hero at the haunt. He has become an master fence builder, funeral pyre architect and fogger. He is an expert at building "out of square", a talent which many do not have. He also does some of the best gore makeup in North America. We wouldn't be able to do all this without him. Just don't hide his fog fans or his baby-on-a-meathook...Thanks for everything Dave!
Jaye the witchy neighbor-next-door. Jaye was the main help in set up and tear down for years. Look for her on the roof. Thanks for all the witchy years.
If you're a true fan, you recognize him as the original Grim Reaper. Sometimes copied, Sometimes a dummy (no, really, a  dummy), but always missed when he's not around
Psycho Jane's day off. If we showed her face, she'd have to kill us!
Meet Chris, one of the technical wizards, and Jan, mom of Bloody Melly, Psycho Jane and The Follower
Why is Papa Bighed always asleep in photos? In real life, he's Jan's husband and dad to Melly, Follower and Jane. He is our oldes haunter at seventy-something.Hologram or not, he's pretty scary if we can wake him up!
You'd never know she could creep you out! Sheri has also been around almost since the beginning. Always here and dependable, it wouldn't be the Halloween house without her. Don't ask her to carve eight sided pumpkins, though.
We are missing many faces from these pages. Missing are  Aran the Troll, Stephonie, the original Madam,  "Forklift" Dave and all the boys from Keith's work.  There are many others who have helped through the years, too many for our feeble brain to list them all for fear of forgetting some. To everyone from Keith and Melanie,
Thanks for Fifteen Years of Fear. We love you all!
Bloody Melly
The Follower and Bloody Melly
Papa Bighed
The Demon
The Demon (close up)
The Follower
Commando Chris and Jan.
The Witch
The Grim Reaper
Psycho Jane
Alex is the son of the Follower, Sheri and Commando Chris. Not usually found on a tractor, at Halloween Alex is usually some sort of Super Hero. Must be from his dad's side of the family...
No one's quite sure what Ted is besides a nice guy and a great idea man. Runs a mean paint spray gun too!
Fairly new to the Haunt, Gabe is Son of the original Madam and grandson to Psycho Jane. We have one more shot at twisting him as much as his sister Whisper...
Commando was lucky enough to marry into this twisted family. Fits right in! One of our technical wizards, Bob and Chris are responsible for the mechanical stuff. The Halloween House would not be the same without them. From Monty Python to the dropping and jumping spiders and more, they will make you scream or if we're lucky, pee your pants!
The original baby on the toilet and baby in the basket of heads, Whisper has Halloween in her blood. She stayed home one year to trick or treat like normal kids, only to find Halloween at Aunt Mick's is MUCH more fun!
Commando Bob
Little Dead Girl
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